Do Justice.

Love Mercy.

Walk Humbly.

About Walk humbly Co

We believe that t-shirts should represent who you are and what you believe in, so we created Walk Humbly to offer you a line of shirts that express your faith and help others think deeper about their beliefs.

We don’t have any “throw it in your face” Jesus shirts—we want people to ask questions! We want our designs to inspire you to start conversations with friends, family members, or strangers on the street (if that’s your thing).

Our goal is not just to make fun, cool designs for people to wear around town but also to encourage them to think critically about their faith and those around them.

We’re on a mission to make the world more thoughtful and inclusive.

Our name comes from Micah 6:8, which says:

           “…what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?”

That’s what we live by—we love people, we commit ourselves to justice for all, and we walk humbly with our God.

