Beautiful Designs.

Deep Meaning.

A Christian t-shirt subscription that you will want to wear, over and over.

Wear your faith boldly.
Walk humbly.

Designed and inspired by a new Christian artist each month to reflect the beauty of God.

One Shirt. One Card.

Every month you receive a custom t-shirt and a devotional card. Your card has a scripture and a short reflection about the design. Every time you wear your shirt, you will be reminded of your monthly devo. With Walk Humbly, t-shirt designs go deeper.

Conversation starters can be beautiful.

This is not your typical Christian t-shirt but quality tees with deep scriptural meaning to give you a unique way to share your faith.

A new design every month.

A new color and a new design every month, delivered directly to you. All subscriptions started by the 20th of each month are delivered by the 15th of the following month. No contracts. You can cancel at any time.
